Monday, May 10, 2010


today was not very profitable in terms of photography, although I did get a few things taken care of for clients. I also managed to do another blog post. I need to do them more, though. :(

I am setting a goal for myself to do at least one a week.

Goals for tomorrow:
1) Go through process and figure out which ones I need help with
2) Rate website and blog according to my 5 words
3) Talk with Christina
4) Try not to go crazy. haha.

I've been working late tonight at my job, because with training in the new office manager, I haven't been able to get much done the last three days. I decided it was high time to attack my very messy desk. I accomplished a lot, so now when I take my lunch break tomorrow to work on photos I'll be able to stay sane.



  1. Oh yes blog posts. I've set a goal to do two a week, I'm kinda not doing so well right now. I liked your post :) Your work is really spectacular!

  2. I love the "try not to go crazy" :) I'm going to start writing that on all my little to-do lists I make these days.. :)

  3. Go Susie! Honestly I can imagine how insane things must be with the change over. Glad you are able to laugh about it!
