Thursday, May 6, 2010


Today I feel like I've done so many things it would take more time than I have to write them all down. I had my call with Christina, and wish I had about 5 more hours I could dedicate right now to working on photography!

A few things I've done:
1) researched a bit on what it will take to start a business in Maryland
2) Ordered moo cards for a wedding I'm shooting in a few weeks
3) Worked on updating my website

Now it's time for bed, so I can be sane for another day of training the new office manager tomorrow. i have a feeling I'll be drinking lots of coffee. haha.



  1. Calls with Christina are VERY motivational! :-) where in MD are you? I used to live there.

  2. Coffee is always needed, no matter what I'm doing :) Do you like moo cards? I've never used them, but I've heard they are pretty nice...

  3. Kristina, i'm not currently in Maryland, I'll be moving to College Park there after I get married in September. It is a long ways from Mississippi!

    Alana, moo cards are amazing. I've loved them so much - especially their mini-cards! :)

  4. That's how I feel every time I end a call with's great if you actually have the time, but SO frustrating when you don't!
