Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Yesterday I was able to get quite a bit done in the evening. I worked on research for my client, wrote most of my back-story on how my client found me, and looked through magazines for things for inspirations box.

I need to write a longer post soon, and it's coming, but I've been so busy it's hard to do. Someday I'll sit down and do it.



  1. I wish we could share our inspirations boxes some how...I'd love to see what you have in there ;)

  2. I can understand the difficulty of writing long posts. I've had similar experiences just having trouble finding time to write and grasping for the right words to use. It's not an easy thing.

  3. Don't you just LOVE days where you feel like you have been productive and accomplished things! :)

    I honestly have NOTHING in my inspirations box... What kind of things have you been putting in? I'm a tad stumped with the whole thing. I've never done anything like that before... So, I'd love to hear what kinds of things you all are putting in yours!

  4. I think the inspirations box has probably been one of the hardest things with the whole mentoring process. :P Christina finally told me she thought I might do better if I looked at magazines and tore pages out of there with things that inspire me. haha. That is actually working much better for me, and so I'm just trying to get lots of magazines that don't mind if I tear them up. :P
