Thursday, April 29, 2010


Today, the only thing I got done was meeting with a client. We met at 7pm and I didn't leave until 9. We chose all her photos for her Blurb Album, and she bought High Res CD of her photos, which means more money in my pocket. :) yay.

Now I have to get all the photos found and burned, and the album designed. I may just give them to my sister to design. She likes it, I pay her, and then I don't have to worry about it. It's a win-win situation. :)



  1. Gotta love extra money in our pockets! :)

    Sisters are the best aren't they?! I'm trying to get my sister more into this kind of stuff... she would love it! :)

  2. It's so great that your sister is your album designer. Thank God for sisters!

  3. That is awesome. Glad to hear you had some success. I agree with the above comments. Nothing can beat help from family.
